Don’t Be A Douche! What Is A Douche And Why You Should Use One?

You might think of a douche as someone whose whole personality is based on being the "devil's advocate." But the meaning changes a lot when talking about a person's sexual health: A douche is a small device with a nozzle used to clean the anus or vagina with vinegar and water solution. The word "douche" is also French for "shower." People douche for various reasons, such as for health or hygiene reasons.

In this article, we'll talk in-depth about both vaginal and anal douching. By the time you're done reading, you'll know whether you need one or not. Keep reading.
Vaginal Douching

Doctors don't recommend vaginal douching since it might raise the risk of yeast infections and other sexually transmitted diseases. Research shows that people with natal vaginas don't need to douche, which can do more harm than good. Since the vagina is a self-cleaning system, there is no reason to mess with something that works well. But this is not the case for people who have neo vaginas. Let's look into why this is so.
Natal Vaginas

For those born with a vagina (natal vagina), the vagina is an organ that cleans itself. Medical professionals do not recommend douching natal vaginas since it can eliminate beneficial microorganisms. It is not a contraceptive measure. The contents in store-bought douches may include vinegar, baking soda, or scent. These substances may irritate the vaginal tissue, resulting in irritation and dryness. This can increase your risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.
Some people douche because they are worried about how their private parts smell. It's normal for the vaginal and internal genital areas to have their own smell, which can fluctuate over the menstrual cycle. Changes to the diet or adding a new supplement to the diet can change the natural smell. Changes in hormone levels can also cause changes in smell (like hormone replacement therapy or menopause).

The most prevalent cause of unpleasant vaginal odors is an imbalance in the natural acidity of the vaginal/internal genitals genital. This imbalance can cause the typically occurring germs to increase excessively. This excess of the normal vaginal flora is known as bacterial vaginosis (or BV). BV can either resolve on its own or be treated with antibiotics.

If a woman wants to douche, she should do it safely, so she doesn't get any unwanted side effects. Don't put anything else in the douche besides water. This is one way to douche safely. This will clean the vagina without getting rid of the good bacteria. Also, women should ensure that the things they use to douche are clean and shouldn't force water into the vagina.
Neo Vaginas

If you've had vaginoplasty to confirm your gender because you were not born with a vagina or internal genitals, your vagina does not clean itself. In this case, doctors typically prescribe douching to promote healing and cleanse the affected region.
Anal Douching

Oh yes, we're going there. Right in there. You know we love to talk about taboo topics, and this is one we were keen to dive into since it's so rarely talked about. There is great fear and ignorance around anal sex preparation, with the "prepare your anus" meme likely deterring some butt-play novices! Nonetheless, if you choose to engage in anal sex, you must clean your anus prior.
Before engaging in anal sex, the lower rectum is typically cleaned by anal douching. It entails placing a half cup of slightly warm water into the rectum in a gentle manner. This encourages a bowel movement, after which the area is gently washed until the water runs clear. Some people buy a 12-cup bulb syringe from the drug store for this purpose.

Using room temperature or slightly warm water is best because soap and other additives can irritate the rectal lining and increase the risk of STIs.
Because anal douching can irritate the lining of the rectum, making you more susceptible to HIV infection, we emphasize the significance of utilizing protection. Reduce the risk of irritation by douching at least an hour before intercourse (you should do this in front of the toilet) and douching no more than once per day and a few times per week (we recommend no more than 1-2 times per week). All in good-natured fun!