Some escorts enter the industry because we need the money to support our education. It is normal for some escorts to study while working as one, and the amount of money we get from our clients can be very rewarding. We can earn more in an hour than our other classmates working in fast-food restaurants and convenience stores in a week. Thus, it is safe to say that working as an escort provides opportunities to finish college and university degrees without worrying too much about student loans and other expenses.
However, it can be hard for some since we have to balance our lives as students and escorts. It can be a challenge if you do not know what to do. Still, once you know what to do, you can work successfully without worrying about your job interfering with your studies.
As an escort with prior experience working in the industry while studying, I have learned several things that I think it’s okay to share with everyone in the same situation as me. Consider me as a success story with these tips. I know you are interested to learn more, so here are some tips on managing your studies while working as an escort.
Learn to Say No
Juggling university life with your escort life can be tough, so it is a must to draw boundaries. You need to have a written schedule and timetables separating your studies from your job. Learn to say no to some clients if their preferred schedules can interfere with your studies. Also, list the budget you might need each week or month, depending on your needs. Match this with the number of bookings you can accommodate and adjust when necessary. Remember to always aim for long-term stability and not a short-term financial boost.
Use Time Productively
Don’t just scroll online and waste your free time. If you feel like you can handle a booking or two for your free time today, set your availability and get that coin. If you don’t feel like working, then use your time to finish some school requirements, like that essay due next week or research for your next lessons. Using your time productively plays to your advantage more than everyone else.
Never Skip Classes
This is how your time management skills will come into play. Remember that the more you skip your classes, the further you will be on your road to a university degree or college diploma. Respect your boundaries and prioritize your studies.
Make the Most Out of Your Holidays
Just like what we talked about earlier about using your free time productively, especially those long summer vacations. Use the extended hours of free time you have to earn more money so that when the semester comes, you don’t need to stress over making some quick bucks because you’re short of spare cash.
Working as an escort and university studies will always go hand in hand if you know your priorities and respect your boundaries. Make use of your free time productively and plan ahead with a weekly schedule and you can see yourself breezing through university life without any problems. So many others have been able to do it, and its far from impossible. You simply need to be focused on your goal and keep yourself to a routine which gives you more than enough time to focus on your studies and in your spare time you can meet clients and help pay your way through studying much faster than most others.