5 Things Escorts Do Differently During Sex

Escorts have a fantastic way of making men always want to go back for no-strings-attached sex. They provide a unique satisfaction that men often never find in their partners or wives. Some women try the best they can to ensure their men are sexually satisfied with little to no success. Men often want to live out their sexual fantasies without dealing or thinking about the stress of their everyday lives. Escorts can provide an outlet of escape from the mundane everyday life. Escorts are:

Always Open for Sex Suggestions

Women, particularly the conservative type, are usually not open for sexual suggestions such as lets try anal, or can you dress up like a french maid? They receive the request with judgment and often decline because it’s against their “moral code” or consider it demeaning. Some just like the traditional vanilla ways of having sex where the man is always on top. Well, modern men require more adventurous sex style exploration and appreciate suggestions from women. It’s the reason why escorts have all so many men at their disposal. They are always open to new styles and provide even more exciting suggestions.

Readily Available for Sex

Escorts are always ready to offer sex services to their clients. The customer could be your man whom you argued with over sex. He finds comfort and sexual satisfaction in an escort who welcomed him with open arms and gave him what you denied him. It makes it so easy for him to opt for escorts instead of having to argue over it. Readiness not only means accepting to have sex but also being psychologically available for it. There is no point in having sex when your mind isn’t even thinking about it.

Appreciate the Man

Appreciation is sometimes an apparent failure among women. Escorts have a way of appreciating the sex offered by the clients. It boosts the man’s ego and motivates them to do even more. Some do it by screaming with delight, while others cheer them on by saying fuck me harder. It makes men feel like they have done something extraordinary. Women who lie down like logs during sex promote sexual dissatisfaction.

Seduce Men

Escorts know how to seduce a man by wearing seductive clothing, clothes that expose their breasts and thighs. They look at potential clients with seductive eyes and are ready with seductive gestures. Most women leave it up to their men to make the first move on you almost fully covered body. While wearing decent clothes is praised in many places, men don’t appreciate it when you are with them, especially as a lover.

Always Clean

Sex is a business for the escorts; therefore, they would never disappoint a client by presenting a dirty body or bad breath. They know how to keep themselves fresh for sex to avoid unpleasant hygiene scenarios. Some women are too used to their partners to freshen up for sex. A dirty woman is awful during sex, even for the men who are not entirely clean.